Sharon Historical Commission


Sharon Historic District Commission


Meeting Minutes for

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


In attendance:  Gordon H. Hughes, Chairman, Robert S. Young, Vice-Chairman

Members -                   David A. Martin, Deborah G. Pitman, Shirley A. Schofield,

Alternates -                  Marie E. Cuneo, Brent L. Gundlah, & W. Reese Schroeder



Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.


  1. Resident, Steve LeSperance of Lyndon Road introduced himself and the Commission invited him to join us at the table rather than sit by himself.
  2. G. Hughes was to call Building Inspector, Joe Kent, regarding the condition of 111 Pond Street and report back at the December meeting.
  3. We received a letter from Exterior Solutions of Natick, MA stating that they had been contracted by the owners of 13 High Street to repair and replace existing roof structure.  The home is currently being used by the South Norfolk Area Retarded Citizens.  This house is inventoried.  R. Young made a motion to approve application as applied for, seconded by S. Schofield, followed by a unanimous vote. G. Hughes will send a letter to let the contractor know that they should proceed with the Building Inspector on their project.
  4. The owners of 180 Ames Street have requested a demolition permit for their barn.  Pictures were provided showing the poor condition along with a letter describing what they would like to do with constructing a new barn in a similar style and using as much of the existing timber that they can salvage.  A motion was made by W.R. Schroeder and seconded by D. Pitman that a letter be sent to the owners authorizing them to demolish with appropriate filing with the Building Inspector.   Also to thank them for their documentation and commitment to preservation.  The vote was unanimous in favor.  G. Hughes will send the letter.
  5. Ed Lyons, a former member of the Sharon Historical Commission, spoke on behalf of the sellers and buyers of 6 Washington Place as a representative of Falcon Associates Architects.  The new owners, Aram and Rebecca Elovic of Briar Hill Road, dentists, would like permission to demolish the property located just between South Main Street and Pond Street. They desire to build a new structure that will provide enhanced office space for their practices while keeping a traditional design for the downtown area.

Mr. Lyons and the owners have met with the Board of Health, the Planning Board and the Town Center Design Review Board, all of which approved the project being presented.  The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting is scheduled.  The Commission was presented with specific business plans as well as designs for the project.  Questions were asked by various members about materials, storm water drainage and history of the property.  D. Martin obtained a detailed history from records at the Assessor’s Office and advised the Commission.  The building has been vacant for two years.  Satisfied that the plans were in the best interest of the town and that the new building will fit in with the other historic properties in the area and that the whole project will be much more viable than the current status, the Commission took this up immediately.  D. Martin made a motion to accept the project as explained on behalf of Drs. Elovic and it was seconded by W.R. Schroeder.  Seven votes in the affirmative and one abstention were cast to approve this project.

  1. Dr. Frederick Martin was introduced by the Chairman to discuss development plans at King Philip’s Rock off of Mansfield Street.  Dr. Martin detailed the history of both the area and the recent request for development by current owners, Wluka Realty.  The ZBA turned down two plans and Mr. Wluka has appealed to the Housing Board in Boston under Mass. General Law 40 B.  We were told that the ZBA denied the application based upon traffic concerns, and that Trustees for Reservations, the Sharon Conservation Commission as well as Town Counsel and Asst. Counsel all opposed the plans.  However, the developer has offered a compromise to build two larger homes rather than 12 homes and sell the remainder of the land to the town for $400,000.  This offer has not been accepted.  Dr. Martin favors the compromise if first archaeologists are allowed to dig safely in the area and are able to preserve sites.

A hearing is scheduled for April, 2005 with the land court.  Dr. Martin requested that the Commission take a position with regard to this matter and nominate a witness to appear on the witness list and possibly testify before the Housing Appeals Committee.  Gil Solomon is planning to represent the native Massachusset Nation.  Commissioner David Martin volunteered to represent the Historical Commission.  G. Hughes will draft a letter and advise Town Counsel Dick Gellerman of our interest and of D. Martin’s appointment to represent the historical interests of the town.  Such letter will be post marked no later than November 27th in order to meet the November 30th deadline.

  1. The owner of the property at 143 Pond Street has requested a demolition permit.  This is an inventoried property.  According to the Building Inspector the condition of the house is poor and developer Joe Discipio (AGM Construction) would like to build a new home on the site.  G. Hughes spoke with Building Inspector, Joe Kent, and has a copy of the proposal.  G. Hughes was going to call or write to Mr. Discipio to schedule an appointment for Commissioners to look at the property.
  2. Taking up the suggestion by W.R. Schroeder at last month’s meeting we discussed establishing guidelines for inventoried properties.  He volunteered to write a draft of guidelines and secure better definitions for preservation.



No further business on the agenda, D. Pitman made a motion to adjourn.  This was seconded by B. Gundlah and so moved.